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What Could Go Wrong With Love?

That day was the day when she and he realized something has grown between them. A little thing called love. It was all started from dating apps. Apparently they matched to each other. They talked, talked, and talked. They found comfort through all the good-bad-dirty-little-secret conversation they had. And instead turning them off, it was attractive, too attractive for them. Or maybe the conversation brought them closer than they expected. No white lies or dark lies in every story they shared. It was just pure honesty. No bad intention, truly an effort to know what has gotten into both of them. And as you can see, the trust has been rooted since the first time they talked to. 

As they get closer, they just can't deny how they want to be together. How they want to share and embrace every moment they have together. And knowing that finally he found and she found the one they've been looking for. The chemistry is too strong, binds them too tight. They strengthen the weaknesses, fill inside the empty spaces, spread the positive vibes one to another. 

One fine morning for her and she feels like praying. Simply just to say thanks to her God. She sits there in her room, folds her hands and here's what she says ....

"Dear Lord, I thank You for your kind blessings. Thank you for sending me a very dear man. He just fits what I needed. He is truly a bless for me. May You grant him with health, happiness, patience, and strength in life. Fulfill his life with love. And let him know that his hard work and his dreams will eventually be something real. Shower him with the true blessings. And please guide him in every step he takes. I put all my hopes and worries upon Your hand. I surrender all my life in You. Amen."

And that afternoon, it's his time to pray. He washes some parts of his body with water and walk inside. He sits there upon his prayer mat with all the male fellows. And as the mass prayer over, he still there, prays privately to his God. And this is what he says..

"Dear Allah, Alhamdulillah for all your blessings. And I want to say thank you for her presence in my life. I thank You for letting me meet her and I'm happy to have her. May You shower her with happiness and love. Bless her with health, strength, and patience in whatever she's gone through in her life. Let her know that I'll always be here to support her. May all her dreams come true. Lead her in every path she takes. And I leave this prayers on Your hands. Amin."

He and she are in a relationship. The longest distance relationship after life and death. An interfaith relationship. What could go wrong with 2 persons in love? What is so wrong when this lovebirds wants to be together while they still stand for each other's belief? They're just in love. They just want to be there and support one to another. No, there's nothing wrong with that. Because I say, love knows no boundary. Love knows no differences. And love stays still where it belongs to be...


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